What Are Manuals In One Piece Treasure Cruise? 2023 Guide to Enhancing Your Gameplay

Manuals in One Piece Treasure Cruise

In One Piece Treasure Cruise, most characters have a special move that can be activated after a certain cooldown. Unfortunately, for some units, it can take 25 turns or more for the special move to charge up. This is why it is crucial to power up specials in OPTC, as specials can now be used more often.

In One Piece Treasure Cruise, Manuals are an in-game item, which increases a specials level with a 12.5% chance. Each character in One Piece Treasure Cruise has its own Manual, so Manuals from other characters don’t increase the characters’ special level. Manuals can be obtained inside of story stages, Clashes, and Colosseums.

Besides regular Manuals (aka Skillbooks), a player can also obtain Almighty Manuals. This specific type of manual is universal, so it can be used on any character, making it quite valuable. Use Almighty Manuals only on characters who are hard to acquire regular character copies/manuals for (limited & legend characters).

Side note: Learn more about One Piece Treasure Cruise in our game review.

To get the most out of each Manual in OPTC, it is highly recommended to save up all obtained manuals until the 2x Special Up event appears. Usually, this event drops once per month and lasts for a few days, so all players get the chance to level their character’s specials. PS: Manuals also give a little amount of Exp, but there are faster ways to level up characters in OPTC.

How to use Manuals in One Piece Treasure Cruise?

To use Manuals in One Piece Treasure Cruise, click on “Crew” at the bottom, and then on “Power Up.” Select the character you want to use Manuals on, and click on “Special Level.” If you have Manuals/copies for the character, they will show up at the top of the page.

    1. Click on “Crew” in the bottom icon list
    2. Click on “Power Up”
    3. Select a character from the character box
    4. Click on “Special Level”
    5. Select available Manuals and click on “OK”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Power Up menu in One Piece Treasure Cruise

Can I obtain them more than once in the game?

Yes, Manuals can be obtained multiple times inside of story stages, Clashes, and Colosseums. You can always grind for more Manuals to power up your characters’ special moves.

Can they be traded or exchanged between players in One Piece Treasure Cruise?

There is no feature allowing players to trade or exchange Manuals between accounts in One Piece Treasure Cruise. However, you should check the latest updates for the game for any changes.

Can I use them to power up characters’ basic attacks or attributes?

No, Manuals in One Piece Treasure Cruise are specifically designed to power up characters’ special moves, not their basic attacks or other attributes. There are other methods and items in the game used to increase basic attack power or other character attributes.

How frequently do 2x Special Up events occur in One Piece Treasure Cruise?

Typically, 2x Special Up events occur once per month and last for a few days. These events are a great opportunity to use your saved Manuals as they increase the chance of successfully leveling up your characters’ special moves. Make sure to keep an eye on the game’s event schedule!