
Why is it So Big: Massive Allure Behind the Epic World of Dota 2 Esports

Why is it So Big: Massive Allure Behind the Epic World of Dota 2 Esports

Marija Jovanović

Within the effervescent bubble of esports, Dota 2 is like that popular kid in high school who just can’t help ...

What Are Gaming Tournaments (eSports)

What Are Gaming Tournaments (eSports)? – Understanding the Competitive Landscape

Anita Kantar

Once upon a time, playing video games was a bit of a niche hobby. A few of the kids on ...

Alpha Mobile Legens Bang Bang
Android Games iOS MOBA

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Review | 5 Advices For Beginners in 2023

Marija Jovanović

Picture this: a fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping digital battleground, where mighty heroes clash and strategic prowess reigns supreme. Welcome to the electrifying ...